Out of 0 Ratings

Owner's of the Nikon GPS Receiver Nikon GPS Receiver gave it a score of 0 out of 5. Here's how the scores stacked up:
  • Reliability

    0 out of 5
  • Durability

    0 out of 5
  • Maintenance

    0 out of 5
  • Performance

    0 out of 5
  • Ease of Use

    0 out of 5
of 5
Downloading Assisted GPS Data to the GP-N100
GP-N100 Utility Software Manual
Downloading Assisted GPS Data to the GP-N100
Downloading Assisted GPS Data to the GP-N100
Follow the steps below to download assisted GPS data to the GP-N100.
Start the computer and connect the GP-N100
via USB.
Start the GP-N100 Utility as described below (note that the GP-N100 Utility does not start au-
tomatically when the GP-N100 is connected).
Windows: Double-click the GP-N100 Utility shortcut on the desktop, or select GP-N100 Utility >
GP-N100 Utility from the program list in the Windows start menu.
Mac OS: Double-click the GP-N100 Utility icon in the “Applications” folder.
Click Start to connect to the Internet and
begin downloading assisted GPS data to the
When download is complete, click OK and
con rm that the expiry date has been updat-
Expiry date
Quit GP-N100 Utility and disconnect GP-N100.
Expiry Date
Expiry Date
Assisted GPS  les for the GP-N100 remain valid for about two weeks after download. Note that the
GP-N100 will continue to function normally in the absence of valid assisted GPS data, although
more time may be required to determine the current position.
The menu options available in the GP-N100 Utility menus are described below.
GP-N100 Utility Menu (Mac OS Only)
Option Description
About GP-N100 Utility Display version information.
Quit GP-N100 Utility Quit the GP-N100 Utility.
Function Menu
Option Description
Upload A-GPS  le
Download the latest assisted GPS data
from Nikon servers to the GP-N100.
Update Firmware
Download and install the latest  rm-
ware for the GP-N100, if available.
Exit (Windows only) Exit the GP-N100 Utility.
Help Menu
Option Description
Show Help View help for the GP-N100 Utility.
Version (Windows only) Display version information.