44..11 GGeenneerraall HHiinnttss
44..22 SSyysstteemmss wwiitthh DDiissttrriibbuutteedd
PPoowweerr SSuupppplliieess ((sseeee aallssoo sseeccttiioonn 33..55))
44..22..11 PPoowweerriinngg UUpp
44..22..22 PPoowweerriinngg DDoowwnn
44..33 SSyysstteemmss wwiitthh PPSSUU 44000000
CCeennttrraall PPoowweerr SSuupppplliieess
44..33..11 PPoowweerriinngg UUpp
44..33..22 PPoowweerriinngg DDoowwnn
1. Be sure to assign a separate carrier frequency to each wireless channel (transmitter and receiver).
2. Do not operate two or more wireless channels on the same frequency at the same time and location. This would cause unwant-
ed noise due to radio interference.
• To prevent damage from overloading the antenna splitter power supply, always switch power to the various compo-
nents of your system on and off in the order described in sections 4.2 and 4.3.
Be sure to follow the instructions in section 3.5!
1. Switch power to all transmitters ON.
2. Switch power to the antenna splitter and all receivers connected to the antenna splitter ON simultaneously.
The blue OK LEDs and the green status LEDs on the connected active components will illuminate.
1. Switch power to the antenna splitter and all receivers connected to the antenna splitter OFF simultaneously.
2. Switch power to all transmitters OFF.
The blue OK LEDs and the green status LEDs on the connected active components will extinguish.
1. Switch the PSU 4000 central power supply ON.
The blue OK LEDs and the green status LEDs on the connected active components will illuminate.
2. Switch power to all transmitters ON.
3. Switch ON all receivers connected to the antenna splitter.
1. Switch OFF all receivers connected to the antenna splitter.
2. Switch power to all transmitters OFF.
3. Switch the PSU 4000 central power supply OFF.
The blue OK LEDs and the green status LEDs on the connected active components will extinguish.
• Use a soft cloth moistened with water to clean the antenna splitter surfaces.
4 Operating Notes
PS 4000 W
5 Cleaning
NNoo ssoouunndd..
NNoo oorr ppoooorr rreecceeppttiioonn oonn ssoommee cchhaannnneellss..
GGrreeeenn LLEEDD oonn aann aaccttiivvee aanntteennnnaa
ccoommppoonneenntt iiss ddaarrkk..
OOnnee ooff tthhee EERRRROORR LLEEDDss oonn tthhee
aanntteennnnaa sspplliitttteerr iiss lliitt..
1. Power supplies/PSU 4000 not connected to power
2. DC cables not connected or defective.
3. Antennas not connected.
4. Power supplies/PSU 4000 defective.
1. Transmitter and/or receiver switched OFF.
2. Transmitter batteries down.
3. Power supply of receiver or feeder cable from PSU
4000 to receiver
a) makes poor contact or
b) is defective.
4. Transmitter and receiver of dead channel are tuned to
different frequencies.
5. Transmitter or receiver defective.
1. Antenna cable not connected or makes poor contact.
2. Antenna cable defective.
3. Active antenna component defective.
1. Supply voltage for active antenna components shorted
2. Supply voltage for active antenna components too low
because cable run is too long.
1. Connect power supplies/PSU 4000 to power outlet(s).
2. Connect or replace DC cables.
3. Connect antennas.
4. Contact your nearest AKG Service Center.
1. Switch transmitter and/or receiver ON.
2. Replace transmitter batteries.
3. a) Check power supply or feeder cable connectors for
secure fit or
b) Replace power supply or feeder cable.
4. Tune transmitter and receiver to the same frequency.
Refer to the transmitter and receiver Instruction
5. Contact your nearest AKG Service Center.
1. Connect antenna cable or check connectors for secure
2. Replace antenna cable.
3. Contact your nearest AKG Service Center.
1. Check all cables and active antenna components con-
nected to antenna splitter.
2. Refer to Table 1 to check cable lengths and use short-
er cables or break down cable run and insert
ASU 4000(s) (see also Wiring Diagrams).
PPrroobblleemm PPoossssiibbllee CCaauussee RReemmeeddyy
6 Troubleshooting
BDA_PS4000W_D030928_neu:PS 4000-Hex 01/20/2010 18:17 Seite 18 (Schwarz/Black Auszug)