Out of 0 Ratings

Owner's of the Axis Communications Security Camera Axis Communications Security Camera gave it a score of 0 out of 5. Here's how the scores stacked up:
  • Reliability

    0 out of 5
  • Durability

    0 out of 5
  • Maintenance

    0 out of 5
  • Performance

    0 out of 5
  • Ease of Use

    0 out of 5
of 61
AXIS M1034-W Network Camera
Video and Audio
The Live View page in Internet Ex plorer in Windows. Right-click in the image and s ele ct Pixel counter.Usethemouse
to move and resize the rectangle.
The default image settings can be congured under Video & Audio > Video Stream.SelecttheImage tab.
The following settings are available:
Resolution. Select the default resolution.
Compression. The compression level affects the image quality, bandwidth and le size of saved images; the lower the
compression, the higher the image quality with higher bandwidth requirements and larger le sizes.
Rotate image. If required, the image can be rotated.
Mirror. If required, the image can be mirrored.
Maximum frame rate. To avoid bandwidth problems, the frame rate allowed to each viewer can be limited.
Overlay settings.See
Overlay, on page 21
Click Save to apply the new s ettings.
H.264, also known as MPEG-4 Part 10/AVC, is a video compression standard that provides high quality video streams at low bit rates.
An H.264 video stream consists of different types of frames such as I-frames and P-frames. An I-frame is a complete image whereas
P-frames only contain the differences from previous f rames.
The GOV length is the number of f rames between two consecutive I-frames. Increasing the GOV length may save considerably on
bandwidth requirements in some cases, but may also h ave an adverse affect on ima
ge quality.
ThebitratecanbesetasVariable Bit Rate (VBR) or Constant Bit Rate (CBR
). VBR adjusts the bit rate according to the image
complexity, using up more bandwidth for incre ased a ctivity in the image, an d le ss for lo we r ima ge ac tivity. CB R a llow s you to s et a
xed Target bit rate that consumes a predictable amount of bandwidth. As the bit rate would usually need to increase for increase d
image activity, but in this case cannot, frame rate and image qua
lity are affected negatively. To partly compensate for this, it is
possible to prioritize either frame rate or image quality. Not setting a priority means that frame rate and image quality are eq ually
affected. You must save your settings before they ca n take effect.
The current bit rate can be set to appear as text overlay. To do this, select the Include text check box option under Overlay
Settings and enter the modier #b in t
he eld.
Sometimes the image size is large due to low light or complex scenery. Adjusting the ma ximum frame size helps to control the
bandwidth and storag e used by the Motion JPEG video stream in these situations. Setting the frame size to the Default setting
provides consiste
ntly good image quality at the expense of increased bandwidth and s torage usage in low light. Limiting the frame
size optimizes bandwidth and storage usage, but may give poor im age quality. To prevent i ncreased bandwidth and storage usage,
the ma ximum f rame size should be s e t to an optimal value.
Stream Proles
Astreamprole is a set of pre-congured stream settings i ncluding resolution, compression, frame rate and overlay settings.
Stream proles can be used:
When setting up recording using action rules, see
Events, on page 32
When setting up a continuous recording, see
Continuous Recording, on page 36
In the Live View page — select the stream prole from the Stream prole drop-down list.